Careers in Environmental

The environmental sector has grown in leaps and bounds, to match that of aerospace and pharmaceuticals in magnitude. An industry that touches nearly every part of the economy and has expanded to more than US$ 700 billion, it represents services and products in several fields like agriculture, science, public policy, energy and law.

Choosing a Career in Environmental Choosing a Career in Environmental

Environmental issues are receiving focus from different directions in America, requiring expert professionals who have a good grasp of both science and policy. Factors such as scarcity of resources, unchecked population growth and threats to the ecosystem have led to larger conversations on environmental protection. Growth in this industry will be high, especially in fast moving areas such as green building, energy access, renewables like wind and solar energy, climate change, etc. Corporations are also striving to comply with environmental standards and reduce greenhouse emissions, leading to a demand for reliable environmental professionals. This vast and diverse sector allows you to take on different kinds of roles based on your strengths and interests. You could be a natural scientist and conduct research on ways to reduce our carbon footprint on the world. If you are passionate about recycling, you can work on behalf of government authorities or the private sector to plan effective waste management policies and promote recycling techniques. As businesses move towards sustainable solutions, you can find your niche as a sustainability consultant for companies by cutting costs while making a positive impact with pro-environment measures.