
Careers in Education & Childcare

While the education sector consists of institutions that provide student instruction in a range of subjects, childcare involves giving quality supervision and learning to pre-school children and school-going children. Join this industry if you are patient and understanding, and look forward to working with young kids during flexible work hours.

Choosing a Career in Education & Childcare Choosing a Career in Education & Childcare

With 11 million children under five spending most of their time in childcare, there is an increasing awareness regarding the importance of early childhood professionals who are responsible for developing foundational knowledge. By contrast, the education industry as a whole hires over 3.5 million people spanning institutions nationwide. Both sectors are expected to have extremely fast employment growth by 2020. The primary reasons behind this industry’s growing success are that older childcare providers and teachers retiring, and there is now greater compliance of school districts with national and state curriculum guidelines. Further, leading service providers in education and childcare are adapting to technological advancements like online trainings, mobile app support, etc. Such innovative tools are helping children reimagine learning in unique ways, and providing a structured platform for providers to monitor student performance and material distribution. Teachers who are professionally qualified in STEM subjects like science and math are likely to experience the most demand. However, there remain a variety of career options for those interested in this field, such as becoming a high school or elementary teacher at a school nearby, or even working as a sports or health coach interacting frequently with athletes.