Bachelors In

Public Administration Degrees

The complete guide on what you’ll learn, job prospects, university programs, and saving time and money.

Why We Love It

  • $38,230
    Potential Avg. Salary*
  • Growing Demand
    Job Outlook

* Salary & growth data is based on the recent Bureau of Labor and Statistics data published at for 43-4031 Court, municipal, and license clerks 11/2021. Based on national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary.

With a bachelor of public administration degree, students will learn the skills needed to succeed in public servant roles for government agencies and nonprofit organizations.

Students take courses in economics, finance, management, political science, sociology, and urban planning, equipping them with the skills needed to manage and oversee regional areas, government bureaus, and groups of people.

What is a Degree in Public Administration?

While studying for a bachelor’s degree in public administration, you’ll learn how to advocate for and enforce public policy changes that strengthen communities and society.

To do this, you’ll study a variety of topics in the social sciences, including economics, sociology, urban studies, ethics, finance, and political science, equipping you with the knowledge needed to manage institutional budgets, persuade voters and colleagues, lead team members and coworkers, and inspire positive change in society.

As a public administration major, you’ll learn about the inner workings and hierarchies of public sector institutions. This will help you choose which branch of government or type of agency you’re interested in working in.

Most graduates begin their careers as bureaucrats in government agencies, but over time, many work their way into politics by running for office using the accomplishments they made as public administrators. Some also work in non-profits as fundraisers or administrators with similar responsibilities.

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What Courses Would I Take For a Major in Public Administration?

  • Bureaucracy, Public Administration, and the Private Sector
  • Conducting the People’s Business Ethically
  • Generating, Allocating, and Managing Public Resources
  • Managing People in Public Organizations
  • Management in Nonprofit Organizations
  • Nonprofit Accountability: Public Needs and Values
  • Introduction to Project Management
  • Managing Nonprofit Relationships

What Jobs Can You Get with a Degree in Public Administration?

Government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and private corporations all have ongoing needs for effective administrators. In recent years, the nonprofit sector has been growing and—at the same time—many current administrators are retiring.

This is creating increased demand for new graduates to come in and fill the roles of the retiring administrators. The same is true for government agencies and corporations, so demand for graduates of BPA degrees should be sustained in the coming decade.

How Long does it take?

A bachelors in Public Administration will have a typical length of 4 years in a full time schedule. That said, there are many ways to speed up the timeframe by either taking more units via online coursework, community college, or taking free classes at that could transfer to universities in the US.

Recommended Schools

Best Jobs for Public Administration Degrees

While many graduates of bachelor of public administration degrees take on administrative roles in government agencies or nonprofit organizations, the degree prepares students for general business roles as well.

Many graduates go into human resources for corporations—staying away from government and charities—while others get into politics, work as fundraisers, or manage agencies.

How to save time and money

Our mission is to help you to avoid paying full price for college. We want your Public Administration degree to be affordable and accessible. Here’s how you could save:

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