Bachelors In

Photography Degrees

The complete guide on what you’ll learn, job prospects, university programs, and saving time and money.

Why We Love It

  • $40,280
    Potential Avg. Salary*
  • Growing Demand
    Job Outlook

* Salary & growth data is based on the recent Bureau of Labor and Statistics data published at for 27-4021 Photographers 11/2021. Based on national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary.

With a bachelor of arts in photography, you’ll gain the knowledge and skills needed to succeed as a professional photographer. You’ll study foundational topics like digital photography, photo editing, lighting, composition, and photo development, enabling you to capture aesthetically pleasing images for a variety of purposes.

Graduates may work as photojournalists, wedding photographers, or artists.

What is a Degree in Photography?

With a bachelor of arts in photography, you can enjoy a career as a photographer, which will enable you to earn a living as an artist in a variety of careers. Students study both traditional and digital photography and the techniques that go along with the mediums, such as photo development and photo editing.

They learn how to establish the right lighting for shots, how to frame and compose shots for the best captures, how to select subjects for photos, and how to edit photos using programs like Photoshop.

With experience and talent as a photographer, you can find work capturing images for a variety of purposes. Some graduates go on to work in photojournalism, capturing images of newsworthy events around the world. Some start their photography businesses and capture images at weddings or for family photos.

Others specialize in food photography, while many take advantage of stock photo services, earning a living from their art by capturing images and selling them online to businesses.

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What Courses Would I Take For a Major in Photography?

  • Camera Exploration and Technique
  • Digital Imaging and Compositing
  • Lighting Applications
  • History of Photography
  • Business Practices for Photography
  • Digital Narratives and Documentary
  • Basic Design and Color Theory
  • Photographic Aesthetic Concepts

What Jobs Can You Get with a Degree in Photography?

Today, photographs are used for a variety of reasons. Many still use them for memory, having photos taken of weddings, family portraits, and other big life events. Professionally, portraits are used for individual and business branding and social media profiles.

However, the demand for talented photographers has significantly increased alongside the demand for websites and web content. Modern businesses are dependent on stock photographers to supply images for articles, which has increased demand in the field.

How Long does it take?

A bachelors in Photography will have a typical length of 4 years in a full time schedule. That said, there are many ways to speed up the timeframe by either taking more units via online coursework, community college, or taking free classes at that could transfer to universities in the US.

Recommended Schools

Best Jobs for Photography Degrees

Photographers work in a variety of positions. Some work as photojournalists, capturing photos to appear alongside news stories. Some focus on portrait photography, capturing people, weddings, and other events.

Others work as stock photographers, capturing images for a variety of purposes and selling them online through stock photography sites for businesses looking for images to go along with online content.

How to save time and money

Our mission is to help you to avoid paying full price for college. We want your Photography degree to be affordable and accessible. Here’s how you could save:

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Get a Certificate in Photography First

To find work as a professional photographer, you’ll need a diverse and representative portfolio that highlights your skills and talent. By earning a certificate in photography, you can understand the foundations of photography technique and begin building your portfolio—and earning an income—sooner.

The credits you earn may also transfer to reduce the time needed to earn a bachelor’s degree.

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