Bachelors In

Mathematics Degrees

The complete guide on what you’ll learn, job prospects, university programs, and saving time and money.
on February 19, 2024

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  • $112,560
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  • Growing Demand
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* Salary & growth data is based on the recent Bureau of Labor and Statistics data published at for 15-2021 Mathematicians 11/2021. Based on national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary.

When you’re an excellent mathematician, there are a lot of degree options to consider. You could major in finance, computer programming, or accounting, but to derive the most opportunity from your education, you may want to consider earning a degree in mathematics.

With a bachelor of science in mathematics, you’ll enjoy being qualified for many different careers across a variety of industries.

What is a Degree in Mathematics?

A bachelor of science in mathematics is a flexible math-focused degree that provides students with in-depth knowledge and skills in a variety of financial and technical disciplines.

Unlike degrees in accounting, finance, and computer programming, a degree in mathematics doesn’t drive graduates into a single profession. Instead, it provides students with the skills and talent needed to thrive in a variety of professions. Graduates may work in IT, finance, auditing, statistics, or stock exchange roles, among others.

In a mathematics program, students take introductory and advanced coursework in all facets of mathematics. They grow and refine their skills in algebra, calculus, trigonometry, finite math, and statistics, and they learn how to put those skills to use to develop complex algorithms, predict and avoid business risk, and refine big data into profitable and meaningful insights.

Students may also have the option to choose an industry focus, such as technology, science, business, finance, or entrepreneurship.

Recommended Schools

What Courses Would I Take For a Major in Mathematics?

  • Calculus: Single-Variable
  • Calculus: Integration & Series
  • Differential Equations
  • Applied Linear Algebra
  • Abstract Algebra
  • Analysis of Discrete Structures
  • Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Mathematical Proof and Problem-Solving

What Jobs Can You Get with a Degree in Mathematics?

Because a bachelor of science in mathematics is a flexible degree that qualifies graduates for a wide variety of careers across multiple industries, the job outlook is bright.

Students can use their math skills to earn positions in fast-growing fields like information technology—developing machine-learning algorithms or data refinery platforms—or healthcare, helping insurance companies determine their coverages and premiums. Additionally, there’s always a need for finance professionals for all businesses.

How Long does it take?

A bachelors in Mathematics will have a typical length of 4 years in a full time schedule. That said, there are many ways to speed up the timeframe by either taking more units via online coursework, community college, or taking free classes at that could transfer to universities in the US.

Online Mathematics Degree

Online mathematics degree programs are available by several universities. Many of these programs are completely offered online due to the theoretical nature of the study.

Students need to complete 120 credit hours to earn a bachelor degree in mathematics. It is also popular for students who already have a degree related to basic sciences to study master’s degree online.

What Can You Do With a Mathematics Degree?

Mathematics is one of the basic sciences that represents a foundation needed by almost everyone around the world. Pure mathematics is the abstract study of concepts as numbers, quantity and space while applied mathematics involves the use of these concepts in other topics as physics and engineering.

Mathematics is essential to almost all fields of life including natural science, engineering, medicine, finance, and the social sciences. Mathematics is called by mathematician Marcus du Sautoy “the Queen of Science and the main driving force behind scientific discovery”.

What does a mathematics student learn?

Mathematics is a basic science that deals with numbers in different ways. It is divided into 5 main branches: algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus and statistics. In mathematics degree programs, you will learn about the branches of mathematics, its applications, and the use of computers in mathematics in addition to methods for derivation of theories.

The following list shows courses commonly offered in mathematics degree programs:

  1. Abstract algebra: it is a field of study that deals with abstract structures such as groups, rings, and vector spaces. It is used in many sciences and fields as an algebraic topology for example.
  2. Calculus: It was originally known as the calculus of infinitesimals. It is the branch of mathematics that deals with continuous change. Calculus is divided into two branches which are called differential calculus and integral calculus.
  3. Differential equations: a differential equation relates one or more equations to their derivatives.
  4. Discrete math: it is the study of separate or countable structures as combinations, graphs, or logical statements. Discrete structures are classified into finite and infinite structures.
  5. Geometry: it is the branch of mathematics that deals with shape, size, relative position of objects and the properties of space.
  6. Linear algebra: this is a central topic to all branches of mathematics. It deals with linear equations, linear maps and their representation in vector spaces and matrices.
  7. Applied mathematics: it is the type of mathematics that applies mathematical logic to real life. It includes topics as physics and statistics which are commonly offered in mathematics degree programs.
  8. Computational mathematics: this is currently the major area of research in mathematics which focuses on the development of more efficient algorithms to provide more accurate results or consume less time and resources.

Now I have a mathematics degree…where can I work after graduating?

Mathematics is a basic science which means that it is not directly related to the job market in general. If you plan to work in a certain field as computer programming and development or business for example, you should consider studying related subjects as a minor or double major if possible.

On the other hand, studying mathematics will make you an expert in numbers which gives you a competitive advantage in many professional fields. The following list shows the most relative career options for mathematics graduates:

  1. Research and academics: this is one of the most appealing fields to mathematics graduates. You will work on developing equations and algorithms that can make a significant change in life. Google has been built mainly using an algorithm developed to provide more relevant and accurate search results.
  2. Statistician: The value of any data depends on the analysis and conclusions that can be reached. Statistics is the major tool used for the analysis of data. Statisticians develop new models to evaluate data and findings. Statistics is an essential part of computational applications including machine learning and artificial intelligence.
  3. Other related careers: economist, management accountant, bank examiner, market research analyst, bank examiner, financial analyst and investment manager. Studying mathematics provides a competitive advantage to work in these careers but you will probably need to have a second more specialized qualification related to one of these jobs.

Should I choose a mathematics degree?

Studying mathematics or other basic sciences is not an easy task and you should make sure that you have a passion to numbers and details before joining a mathematics degree program. Studying mathematics will help you in turn develop a number of desirable skills:

  1. Accuracy and attention to detail: mathematicians pay great attention to details as they know that a single number can make a huge difference.
  2. Problem-solving and analytical thinking
  3. Logical thinking and quantitative reasoning

Recommended Schools

Best Jobs for Mathematics Degrees

The advantage of a bachelor’s degree in mathematics is its flexibility. Graduates can find work as data scientists, bookkeepers, financial managers, auditors, or stock brokers.

Mathematics is also a sound degree for graduate work in one of the many different fields of engineering or scientific research. Many also choose to use their skills to work as educators in elementary, middle, and high schools or colleges.

How to save time and money

Our mission is to help you to avoid paying full price for college. We want your Mathematics degree to be affordable and accessible. Here’s how you could save:

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About the Author
Grant founded with a purpose-driven mission: make college accessible and affordable for everyone. After graduating college with an overwhelming amount of debt, he was determined to change how students embark on their education. He's a frequent speaker and author in higher education, and has been featured in Forbes, Bloomberg Businessweek, Business Insider, American Express, AOL, MSN, Thrive Global, Reader's Digest, Inside Higher Ed, Evolllution, EducationDive, and nearly 100 radio shows and podcasts.

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