Bachelors In

Civil Engineering Degrees

The complete guide on what you’ll learn, job prospects, university programs, and saving time and money.

Why We Love It

  • $87,940
    Potential Avg. Salary*
  • Growing Demand
    Job Outlook

* Salary & growth data is based on the recent Bureau of Labor and Statistics data published at for 17-2051 Civil engineers 11/2021. Based on national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary.

The next time you’re driving through a city, look around. All around you are structures developed, in part, by civil engineers—from the highways you drive on to the skyscrapers and parks you pass.

Even the water you drink passes through an irrigation and filtration system that a civil engineer helped develop. If taking part in this type of development sounds like fun, consider earning a bachelor of science in civil engineering.

What is a Degree in Civil Engineering?

Civil engineers develop the types of systems and structures that people rely on every day. They weigh in on the construction of roads, bridges, buildings, and irrigation systems; they select materials that will ensure longevity and safety in development projects; and they work to guide architects and developers to environmentally friendly solutions.

With a bachelor of science in civil engineering, you can gain the knowledge and skills needed to succeed and thrive in this innovative, useful, and rewarding career.

Civil engineering majors start their education by taking advanced math and science courses, so applicants should be proficient in these subjects. From there, they move into more specialized education, learning about construction engineering, environmental and water systems, geotechnical systems, structural systems, and transportation systems in great detail.

This provides the knowledge needed to weigh in on engineering projects after graduation, working as a civil engineer, city planner, or construction engineer.

Recommended Schools

What Courses Would I Take For a Major in Civil Engineering?

  • Engineering Drawing
  • AutoCAD
  • Structural Mechanics
  • Differential Equations
  • Construction Materials
  • Structural Analysis
  • Engineering Systems
  • Geotechnical Engineering

What Jobs Can You Get with a Degree in Civil Engineering?

Many of the major structural components that have been erected in U.S. cities are aging. Bridges will need to be repaired or replaced, irrigation and electrical systems will need to be upgraded, and new highway and interstate systems will need to be constructed to help with ever-increasing urbanization and traffic.

For these reasons, demand for talented civil engineers is expected to increase in the coming decade to help design, advise, analyze, and quality test these new construction and renovation projects.

How Long does it take?

A bachelors in Civil Engineering will have a typical length of 4 years in a full time schedule. That said, there are many ways to speed up the timeframe by either taking more units via online coursework, community college, or taking free classes at that could transfer to universities in the US.

Recommended Schools

Best Jobs for Civil Engineering Degrees

The obvious career choice for a civil engineering graduate is civil engineer, but there are other careers that these graduates can pursue as well. Some go into city or urban planning, some go into construction management, and some work in architectural firms.

Others find work in related engineering fields, such as construction engineering, environmental engineering, structural engineering, transportation engineering.

How to save time and money

Our mission is to help you to avoid paying full price for college. We want your Civil Engineering degree to be affordable and accessible. Here’s how you could save:

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