As a paralegal, your resume plays an important role in securing employment and showcasing your skills and qualifications to potential employers.

It serves as the gateway to a successful legal career, highlighting your expertise, experience, and commitment to the field.

Making a perfect paralegal resume requires careful attention to detail and an understanding of what employers in the legal industry are looking for.

Let us explore some valuable insights and essential tips to help you create a standout paralegal resume that will impress hiring managers and open doors to exciting career opportunities.

After completing your associate degree program or certificate program in paralegal studies, it is crucial to align your resume with the expectations of potential employers.

To stand out among other applicants, there are certain elements to include in your resume.

Having dedicated your time and effort to earning your Paralegal Associate’s degree or certificate, it is now essential to create a well-crafted paralegal resume that can propel your new career to a successful beginning.

Read more: What is a Paralegal

The Do’s and Don’ts of a Perfect Paralegal Resume

Even though each resume is unique, there are specific guidelines you can adhere to in order to ensure your resume stands out.

Let us explore what you can include and what to avoid when crafting your resume, allowing you to create a strong and impactful document that captures the attention of employers.

1. DO – Highlight Relevant Results and Performance

To demonstrate your value as a paralegal, it is important to showcase your past achievements. Highlighting your accomplishments can greatly influence employers and increase your chances of securing a job.

By emphasizing your past successes, you provide evidence of your skills and abilities, which can make a compelling case for why you are the right candidate for the position.

Also see: Paralegal Skills

DON’T – Make Your Resume Lengthy

Even though it may be tempting to include every job and achievement on your resume, it’s important to remember that a lengthy resume can work against you.

Potential employers often have limited time to review each candidate’s materials, so it’s crucial to keep your paralegal resume concise and targeted.

A shorter, more focused resume has a better chance of capturing the attention of employers and demonstrates that you respect their time and value their attention.

By presenting a clear and to-the-point resume, you increase your chances of making a positive impression and standing out among other applicants.

2. DO –  Tailor Your Resume According to Each Position

Every job has unique work expectations and company requirements, and employers want to ensure that you’re the right fit for their team.

To increase your chances of being selected, it’s important to design your resume to be specific to the job opening. This means tailoring your resume to highlight relevant skills, experiences, and qualifications that align with the job description.

DON’T –  Just List Previous Responsibilities

It’s not necessary to include every responsibility you’ve had in the past on your resume. Instead, focus on mentioning those that directly align with the job duties you’re applying for.

When crafting your resume, carefully review the job description and identify the key requirements and qualifications sought by the employer. Then, highlight your relevant experience and achievements that directly demonstrate your ability to meet those requirements.

3. DO –  Include Soft Skills

Employers in this field generally look for candidates who possess a well-rounded skill set, including both technical and soft skills.

According to the National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA), several key soft skills are in high demand for paralegals. These include customer service, teamwork, communication, organization, adaptability, and multitasking.

It’s important to highlight any past positions or job roles that demonstrate your proficiency in these areas as relevant experience on your resume.

DON’T –  Forget to Proofread

Spelling errors and small typos may seem insignificant, but they can have a significant impact on your chances of reaching the job interview stage.

It is essential to thoroughly check your resume for any mistakes, as employers may assume that you will make similar errors in your job performance as well.

As a paralegal, a significant portion of your work involves handling documents, so even a minor mistake can reflect poorly on your attention to detail.

It is crucial to proofread your resume multiple times before submitting it. Consider asking a friend or colleague to review it as well, or even reading it aloud to yourself.

Also see: How To Become a Paralegal

Ready to Launch Your Paralegal Career?

Now that you know what to include and what to avoid in your resume to stand out in front of employers, you’re all prepared to deep dive into this career.

Also, Check out this online Paralegal Training Program by Preppy, which offers all the advantages you could ask for, and more!

Read more: Paralegal Certification 

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About the Author
Grant founded with a purpose-driven mission: make college accessible and affordable for everyone. After graduating college with an overwhelming amount of debt, he was determined to change how students embark on their education. He's a frequent speaker and author in higher education, and has been featured in Forbes, Bloomberg Businessweek, Business Insider, American Express, AOL, MSN, Thrive Global, Reader's Digest, Inside Higher Ed, Evolllution, EducationDive, and nearly 100 radio shows and podcasts.